How Franchisee Associations Can Help Protect Franchisee Rights

How Franchisee Associations Can Help Protect Franchisee Rights

Franchising has experienced a surge in popularity as a business model, allowing individuals to own and manage a business under a recognized brand. However, this mutual agreement between franchisees and franchisors is not always balanced. Despite investing significant financial resources and committing their time and hard work, franchisees can find themselves at the mercy of…

Can a Franchisor Terminate Your Franchise Agreement? Understanding Your Rights

Can a Franchisor Terminate Your Franchise Agreement? Understanding Your Rights

The termination of a franchise agreement can be a complex and contentious issue in the world of franchising. Franchisees who are facing termination need to understand their rights and the defenses available to them. However, it is equally important for them to choose the right legal representation to navigate these challenging waters. In the blog…

FTC Urges Franchisees to Share Experiences and Report Unfair Practices

FTC Urges Franchisees to Share Experiences and Report Unfair Practices

Calling all Current Franchisees, Former Franchisees, Friends of Franchisees, Advocates of Franchisees, Former Employees of Franchisors, and Everyone In Between!  The FTC is seeking comments directly on franchise agreement provision AND franchisor business practices and NOW IS THE TIME! REPORT! REPORT! REPORT! Tell them what you are going through, went through, or what you personally…

FTC Takes Action Against Unfair Franchisor Practices and Hidden Fees

FTC Takes Action Against Unfair Franchisor Practices and Hidden Fees

FTC New Policy Statement and Guidance warns franchisors that their contract provisions that cut off communication with government agencies are unlawful AND their undisclosed junk fees are unlawful! Also I noted how the FTC finally realized their reporting system was difficult for franchisees to use, the number of complaints related to franchises dramatically increased….Check out…

The Franchise Relationship: What to Do When There’s a Dispute

The Franchise Relationship: What to Do When There’s a Dispute

Franchising inherently involves a long-lasting business relationship that can, in some instances, last for decades. However, it is inevitable that, at some point, issues may arise in this relationship. While some of these issues may be resolved quickly and amicably, allowing both parties to continue their business positively, others may necessitate some intervention. The Franchise…